
International Directory of Oil Spill Cleanup Contractors

Little Black Book of Oil Spill Contractors

9th Edition

The 9th Edition is now available ! I would like to thank all our advertisers and supporters for making it possible. It’s a massive undertaking publishing these books – the 9th Edition covers 122 pages listing 1,200 oil spill clean up contractor locations in over 60 countries.

Following the successful launch at the 2024 International Oil Spill Conference, we would like to get the book in even more responder hands for only $9 plus shipping. To order your copy click the button below;

If you would like more information please contact  –  stewart@cleanupoil.com

This directory has been in publication since 2001* and is the only directory dedicated to listing oil spill contractors world wide.


Please note the listings on this web site and in the Little Black Book are for service companies primarily focused on the physical aspect of cleaning up oil spills. Product manufacturers and suppliers are offered the opportunity to advertise. Refer to our listing policy.

You may update or renew your listing by completing this form. Updates to existing listings are free, note we will no longer be listing fax numbers.

Alternatively feel free to email us your list of service center locations.

*9th Edition publication date March 2024

9th Edition Advertisers

About Us

cleanupoil.com is a unique web site that offers unrestricted access to key information required by oil spill responders. This free access encourages viewers to come back time and again, this shown by the large number of user sessions we experience every month.

Why not take advantage of this high level of interest and get your company in front of all these spill professionals!

cleanupoil.com does not only rely on the internet for promoting awareness, you will find us at trade shows, conferences and exhibitions specializing in oil spills and hazmat.