International Directory of Oil Spill Cleanup Contractors


Spill Control Association of America (SCAA)

The Spill Control Association of America (SCAA) was organized in 1973 to actively promote the interests of all groups within the spill response community. Our organization represents spill response contractors, manufacturers, distributors, consultants, instructors, government & training institutions and corporations working in the industry. Our membership spans the entire United States, and routinely supports industry clients and state & federal governmental agencies. SCAA promotes a healthy and vibrant all-hazards response posture from the sharing of best management practices in health & safety programs, workforce development initiatives and by taking a proactive advocacy role with governmental entities.


The Association of Petroleum Industry Co-Op Managers (APICOM) is an association of unaffiliated petroleum industry Oil Spill Cooperative managers. The Association meets for the mutual benefits of the member to exchange information and best practice as it relates to global oil spill response and includes support through mutual aid agreements (people and equipment). APICOM is also a member of the Partnership Action Team which is made up of APICOM, SCAA (Spill Control Association of America) and the U.S. Coast Guard. Founded in 1972, APICOM serves as an advisory body for the development of standards, regulations and policies related to global oil spill response.

Marine Preservation Association (MPA)

The Marine Preservation Association (MPA) was established in 1990 as the leading organization supporting the development and maintenance of a broadly funded, effective spill response capability in the United States. Since its inception, MPA has achieved this vision by providing privately raised funds to the Marine Spill Response Corporation (MSRC), the world’s largest spill response organization.


The Islands’ Oil Spill Association (IOSA) is a non-profit, community focused, oil spill response organization. IOSA’s mission is to provide the San Juan Islands with prompt, effective oil spill response and prevention, which includes training and coordinating of oil spill responders, maintaining spill response equipment, and educating about the prevention and containment of oil spills of all sizes and sources..
Islands’ Oil Spill Association
PO Box 2946
Friday Harbor, WA 98250

UK & Ireland Spill Association

UK and Ireland Spill Association is the national trade body for companies, organisations and individuals involved in spill and incident management.

Of these members, 70 are actively involved in spill and incident response in the UK and Republic of Ireland and are accredited members who have been audited and demonstrated their competence to become accredited members of the International Spill Accreditation Scheme (ISAS). They are accredited in their area (s) of particular competence; Inland/Freshwater, Groundwater, Tanker Rollover, Marine, Hazardous Noxious Substances, Chemical Spills and Contaminated Soils.
ISAS Ltd is a subsidiary of UKIreSpill and delivers the accreditation and training activities of the Association.

UKIreSpill is recognised by United Kingdom and Republic of Ireland Governments, their trade, environmental and maritime agencies as the industry body for spill and incident response and is actively engaged in assisting the drafting of relevant legislation, contingency planning, provision of advice and developing best practice.

ISCO – The International Spill Control Organisation

The International Spill Control Organisation – was incorporated in London in 1984 as a non-profit-making organisation, dedicated to improving worldwide preparedness for response to oil and chemical spills. The founding members of ISCO were the Spill Control Association of America (SCAA), the British Oil Spill Control Association (BOSCA) and the Spill Control Association of France (SYCOPOL). Now, membership of ISCO has been broadened and is open to all professionals, companies and organisations involved in Spill Control and related disciplines. The International Maritime Organisation (IMO), United Nations Environmental Programme (UNEP), European Community (EC) and other organisations involved in promoting legislation and other measures to improve the world’s capability to respond effectively to oil and chemical spills have the benefit of inputs from national governments, petroleum industry organisations and environmental groups. There is a vast resource of knowledge and experience amongst spill response professionals – dedicated men and women in spill control manufacturing, response companies, co-operatives, consultancies, universities, research and training establishments. The implementation of global measures to counter pollution depends to a high degree on these professionals and their organisations but, without focus, they have no voice. IMO and other relevant world organisations cannot communicate directly with the oil spill control industry as a whole and cannot easily access the expertise therein. The International Spill Control Organisation was established to correct this situation, and to enhance the value of the already substantial contribution made by professionals to the world effort to combat pollution. New initiatives in ISCO are of practical benefit to its members, helping them to to build incident response capacity in response to new challenges, to enhance competence, and to keep abreast of new technologies, new legislation and other matters of mutual interest.


The Oil Spill Control Association (SYCOPOL) of France is a group of companies incolved in water and ground pollution control at international level. It gathers together: equipment manufacturers, chemical producers, services suppliers. Its objective is to provide customers with strike-teams, equipment, products and techniques ensuring comprehensive, fast, coordinated, therefore efficient responses. With its wide ranging products and services, SYCOPOL is able to respond to all needs relating to oil spill control at sea, on rivers, lakes, ponds and beaches. Prevention and organization of efficient means of intervention at sea are often the best way of avoiding a catastrophe. That is the prime role of SYCOPOL with its international services organizations. They have at their disposal aerial means and an extensive fleet of tugs, boats, and barges for off-shore towage and submarine tasks when required. Accidental discharges are the nightmare of the oil industry. To the vulnerable marine environment, an ounce of prevention is worth a pound of cure, as even a few lost hours in response time could mean the difference between a minor mishap or a major disaster.

Norwegian Oil Spill Control Association

Founded in 1993, NOSCA – the Norwegian Oil Spill Control Association – is a non-profit cooperative of companies, R&D institutions and government pollution control authority SFT, established to develop equipment and contingency planning for oil spill emergencies. NOSCA members join forces to share their environmental technologies worldwide, assisting other nations, port authorities and private companies to build an effective contingency infrastructure for oil spill prevention and recovery. International Cooperation Nosca’s efforts to share its collective environmental knowledge with other countries in the world have resulted in a comprehensive network of experts and resources. Nosca has also played a key role in the European version of the biannual International Oil Spill Conference and Exhibition held in the USA. NOSCA in co-operation with SYCOPOL, CEDRE and BOSCA has established Interspill, and the first conference and exhibition took place in Brighton/England in 2000 and Norway in 2004.


Spill Response Group Holland (SRGH) association represents Dutch Companies supplying equipment, services and knowlegde for all aspects of marine, inland waters and coastal pollution control. Today the association exist out of 20 members and represents all oil and chemical spill response fields. These include manufacturers of response equipment and means, service organizations, oil disposal organizations, consultancy companies, R&D institutes, training institutes, salvage companies, contractors and shipbuilding companies. Over the past years the individual SRGH members has developed into a leading role of great national and international significance. The Spill Response Group Holland is supported by the Ministry of Transport Public Works and Water Management department Rijkswaterstaat responsible for preparation and response of accidental spills on inland waters, the coast and the North Sea in the Netherlands. They are associated member of the SRGH and exchanging information on experiences and new developments with the group. is a member of the Virginia Maritime Association


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